This page provides a comprehensive list of home remedies for the fever that have worked well for a large number of people. These natural remedies have been extracted from various sources and need not be the complete list of home remedies for fever.
Remember to always consult a professional before taking into consideration the home remedies for fever discussed in this article.
What is the fever?
Fever is an elevation of body temperature. Technically, any body temperature above normal oral measurement of 37 ° C or normal rectal temperature of 37.2 ° C is considered to be high; however, these are average temperatures and for some people, this normal temperature may oscillate at 0.6 ° C per above or below.
Fever is not considered medically significant until the body temperature is equal to or greater than 38 ° C. Any temperature above the normal level but below that 38 ° is considered low-grade fever.
The fever has a specific function in the body, serves as a defense mechanism to kill those bacteria that are not able to endure temperatures higher than the body experiences at that time, in addition to this, it serves to identify the presence of another disease of greater or lesser severity.
If at any time you experience a fever equal to or greater than 40 ° C you need immediate treatment and follow-up as it can cause delirium and convulsions and be the symptom of another more serious illness.
Symptoms of Fever
Fever can make you feel very heavy and weak. The most significant symptoms of fever are:
- Temperatures above 38ºC in adults and children
- Chills and tremors
- Muscle and joint aches
- Headache
- Intermittent sweats
- Rapid heart rate or palpitations
- Redness of the skin
- Sensation of fainting, dizziness or lightheadedness
- Weakness
- At very high temperatures (40 ° C) seizures, hallucinations or confusion may occur
Causes of Fever
Fever is the result of an immune response of the body to an external invader, where viruses, bacteria, fungi or other toxins are included. These external invaders acting on the thermoregulatory centers of the hypothalamus are called pyrogens.
Since fever is a common symptom of most infections, the causes are very varied. In children, vaccinations or teething can cause low-grade fever. Autoimmune disorders, reactions to medications, seizures, or other types of illness can also cause fever.
Home Remedies for Fever
Here is a list of the most effective home remedies for fever:
- Water baths: If your body temperature is elevated, you can try lowering it by doing moderately cold water baths. It is better to apply cloths to the forehead as the heat is released throughout the body instead of just the head.
- Vinegar and water dressings: Mix water and vinegar and soak some clothes in this liquid. Use it as a dressing to lower the temperature. Vinegar helps regulate body temperature.
- Tamarind for Fever: Tamarind leaves help to reduce fever and are effective against a headache. Prepare an infusion with 30 leaves of tamarind in a liter of water and drink 3 glasses a day.
- Vervain infusion: Vervain is an effective natural remedy for fever. Prepare an infusion with a teaspoon of this dried plant in a cup of water and take 3 times a day.
- Natural remedy with peppermint: Peppermint promotes sweating and reduces body temperature, so it is advisable to take a few times a day an infusion made with a teaspoon of dried mint in a glass of water.
Recommendations for fever
In addition to the home remedies for fever mentioned in this article, we recommend that you follow the following tips:
- Drink at least 2 liters of water a day to replace fluid loss and lower body temperature.
- Rest as much as your body demands.
- Avoid sudden changes in temperature.
- During the duration of the fever, do not take iron and / or zinc supplements as zinc is not absorbed at high temperature and iron causes great strain on the body when fighting infection.
- Babies and pregnant women should receive medical care.
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